This strategy will help many young people afford to buy a home.

In today’s challenging real estate market, achieving the dream of homeownership can be especially tough for young people. However, I’m here to introduce an innovative strategy that can make it more accessible. Instead of starting with a traditional single-family home, consider investing in a small multi-family property like duplexes, triplexes, or fourplexes. These properties offer unique advantages, and recent changes have made this strategy even more compelling. Let’s explore how it can help you on your path to homeownership and financial security.

Feel free to watch the full video or use these timestamps to browse specific topics at your leisure:

0:00 — Introduction

0:34 — It’s difficult for young people to buy a home in the current times

1:28 — Buy multi-family homes instead of single-family homes

2:33 — There are no mortgage programs for five units and above

3:50 — You can share the household expenses with the tenants

4:23 — FHA mortgage vs. conventional mortgage

6:36 — The recent changes out of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

8:24 — Homeownership is now more attainable 

9:12 — You can build a real estate portfolio of rental income

9:55 — Wrapping up

If you have any questions about purchasing a home using this strategy or need help with your real estate goals, call or email me. I’m always happy to hear from you.